The Cortica Care Model

Diagnostics for Autism, ADHD, and More 

At Cortica, we provide accurate diagnoses for autism, ADHD, developmental delays, and the full range of developmental differences, all while using a neurodiversity-affirming, strengths-based approach.  

Formal diagnoses from Cortica’s neurodevelopmental experts open a window of possibilities for families to understand their options, celebrate their children’s strengths, access personalized therapy services, and build community. Our findings allow us to partner with your family and develop a personalized set of therapies for your child.  

doctor and family diagnosis

How are neurodevelopmental differences diagnosed? 

After partnering with caregivers to learn more about their child, we take a personalized approach to diagnosing neurodevelopmental differences using a range of resources that may include: 

  • Developmental screenings 

  • Specialist assessments 

  • Standardized tests 

  • Medical and neurological examinations 

  • Speech and language evaluations 

  • Occupational therapy assessments to examine communication, sensory, and motor skills 

  • Detailed interviews with parents or caregivers 

doctor and mother with her child

How early can a child receive an autism diagnosis?  

The ADOS-2 Toddler Module is available for use as early as 12 months of age to identify children who are "at risk" for autism. However, a formal diagnostic evaluation should be conducted at 2 years (24 months) of age, which is the earliest age permitted by the DSM-5 for a definitive autism diagnosis. Before this age, variances in developmental milestones are common and assessments may not be reliable. 

How early can a child receive an ADHD diagnosis? 

A child can receive an ADHD diagnosis as early as 5 years of age. The guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that healthcare providers assess children for ADHD from age 4 to 18 years when they exhibit academic or behavioral problems and symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. Early diagnosis and intervention can help manage symptoms and improve outcomes for children with ADHD. 

child with stethoscope

Who conducts diagnostic evaluations at Cortica? 

All diagnostic evaluations at Cortica are completed by our clinicians, who are experts in neurodevelopmental differences. The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) are completed by Cortica clinicians with master’s level education or higher. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) is completed by a Cortica doctor or nurse practitioner during an in-person medical visit. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) (Vineland-3) is administered by a board-certified behavior analyst as part of an applied behavior analysis assessment, as needed.  

doctor evaluating child

Which diagnostic evaluations are available at Cortica? 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 

- Autism Diagnostic Observation (ADOS)  

- Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R)  

- Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)  

- Other evaluations are also used when necessary for diagnostic clarity 

Any of these evaluations will yield a clinical diagnosis of autism. Some insurance companies require additional neuropsychiatric or psychoeducational testing, which we do not perform at Cortica. In these cases, we will be able to provide ABA therapy after the additional third-party, insurance-required testing is completed.     

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

- Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham (SNAP-IV) Teacher and Parent Rating Scale 

- National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) Vanderbilt Assessment Scale  

Testing for ADHD typically occurs around the age of 5, though we may medically and therapeutically manage symptoms in children younger than 5. The NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale requires at least two reporters who see the child in two different settings; a parent/caregiver and a teacher are most commonly selected as reporters.    


- General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)  

- Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)  

- Clinical assessment   


- Electroencephalogram (EEG)  

Additional Biomedical Testing  

Genetic testing  

- Chromosome Microarray  

- Fragile X  

- Whole Exome Sequencing   

- Pharmacogenomic Testing  

Metabolic Testing  

- Blood work  

- Folate Receptor Antibody Testing (FRAT) 

- Genova Stool Study  

We do not provide testing for specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing disorders, or visual processing disorders, or psychoeducational testing such as IQ testing. For children who may benefit from these tests, our providers can refer you to professionals in the community.  

How can my child receive a diagnosis at Cortica? 

During your family’s intake visit with Cortica, one of our nurse practitioners will learn more about your child and may clinically recommend a diagnostic assessment. Our medical scheduling team will then work with you to schedule an evaluation at a time that best works for your family. After the evaluation, you can expect to receive the results and an official diagnosis (if applicable) in 2-3 weeks. 


doctor and little girl


Am I required to obtain a diagnosis before my child starts ABA services at Cortica?

Am I required to obtain a diagnosis before my child starts ABA services at Cortica?

Yes, an autism diagnosis is usually required before receiving ABA services. Your insurance company will likely require a formal autism diagnosis to approve coverage for ABA.  

Will my insurance cover diagnostic services at Cortica?

Will my insurance cover diagnostic services at Cortica?

At Cortica, we work with a wide range of health insurance plans. We can provide you with benefits check and cost estimates before beginning your services. Please reach out to us for information about your specific insurance coverage