While awareness is growing every day, misinformation and misconceptions often surround autism spectrum disorder (ASD), leading to misunderstanding and stigmatization. To foster empathy and create a more inclusive society, it's important to debunk these myths and find accurate information from reputable sources.  

Myth #1: Autistic Children Are All Alike 

Fact: Autism is a spectrum, which means it affects different children in different ways. Some autistic children may have a greater number of challenges, while others may have subtler differences. Skills and abilities can also vary widely. Every child is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and personality. 

An image explaining the autism spectrum

Myth #2: Autistic Children Lack Emotion or Empathy 

Fact: Autistic children experience a full range of emotions, just like others do. The difference lies in how they express and understand these emotions. Autistic individuals might express their feelings differently, and they may have difficulty understanding others' emotions. 

Myth #3: Autism Is Caused by Parenting Style 

Fact: Autism is a result of differences in brain development, not a result of parenting style. Though we still have much to learn about the factors that contribute to autism, research suggests that a combination of genetic and environmental factors have a role.  

Myth #4: Autism Should Be Cured 

Fact: Autism is not a disease. Even the term “disorder” is increasingly recognized as an inaccurate way to think about autism. Indeed, many autistic individuals view autism as an integral and valued part of their identity that comes with many strengths.  

Myth #5: Autistic Individuals Don’t Lead Fulfilling, Purposeful Lives 

Fact: With support and understanding, autistic children can go on to lead fulfilling, purposeful lives. They can thrive in school, form healthy relationships, and contribute significantly to their communities. Autism doesn't limit one's potential for a fulfilling life. 

Myth #6: Autism Occurs Mainly in Boys 

Fact: While research indicates that autism is diagnosed more frequently in boys, girls and women can and do have autism.  Autism may present differently in girls and women, leading to underdiagnosis, misdiagnosis, or a diagnosis that is received much later in life. This concept is commonly referred to as the girl gap

Myth #7: All Autistic People Have Learning Disabilities 

Fact: While some autistic children may have co-occurring learning disabilities, many do not. It's important not to make assumptions about a child's cognitive abilities based on an autism diagnosis. Every child has unique strengths and challenges and should be understood and supported as an individual.  


By dispelling autism myths, we can promote a more inclusive, understanding, and accepting society for autistic people while reducing harmful stereotypes. Autism is a broad spectrum, encompassing a diverse range of people with unique abilities and challenges. It's essential to respect and celebrate these differences in order to foster an environment where every person can thrive.